What Amount of Life Insurance Is Advisable?
Aug 16, 2022 By Susan Kelly

Prefer taxes; death is something everyone must face eventually, although few like to think about it. If you have loved ones who rely on your income, you must take measures to protect their living standards in the event of your untimely death.

Having life insurance may ease the financial impact of your passing on those left behind by helping pay for final expenditures like a funeral, burial, and any outstanding debts. This is how to figure out how much life insurance you need if you don't already have it or aren't sure if you have enough.

What Exactly Is Life Insurance?

If the premiums are current, the insurance company will pay the policy's beneficiary the face value upon the insured's death. A death benefit is a name for this sum. The insured may rest easy knowing their loved ones will be provided for financially and emotionally after their death.

There are two main life insurance policies: whole life and term. As long as the payments are paid, the insured is protected for as long as they live by a whole life policy, a sort of perpetual life insurance. The premiums you put into certain types of whole life insurance can be invested and grow into a cash value over time. Instead, you'd be covered for a specific number of years with term life insurance.

Which Individuals Require Life Coverage?

Though life insurance is a useful financial tool, getting a policy isn't always practical. You may not need life insurance if you are debt-free, have no dependents, and have saved enough money to pay for your burial, estate, and legal bills. You're in the same boat if you have dependents and enough money to care for them when you die.

If you have dependents and are their major provider or if your debts exceed your assets, insurance can assist in guaranteeing their financial security in the event of your untimely death. Operate a business or have cosigned obligations like private education loans, for which your beneficiaries would be legally accountable in the event of your death. It may be prudent to get a life insurance policy.

Life Insurance and Age

A common misconception spread by life insurance salespeople is that it's too late to get covered if you wait until later in life to get a policy. To hear the life insurance business tell it, it gets more difficult to obtain coverage the older you are. It is the business model of insurance firms to wager on their customers' longevity.

However, this does not make an insurance approval any less difficult. In reality, insurers need more money upfront to cover the risks associated with covering the elderly. Still, it's unusual for a firm to reject coverage to someone ready to pay the going rate. It is advisable to acquire insurance before the occurrence of any foreseeable risks. Don't delay getting insurance because you're worried about cost.

Could You Safely Invest in Life Insurance?

A life insurance policy with a cash value component can be used as a savings or investment vehicle. Purchasing a life insurance policy with a cash value is often recommended as an alternative to traditional retirement savings or investment vehicles. These plans allow you to accumulate interest-bearing funds. The insurance firm, like a bank, is investing the money for its profit, which is why it is earning interest.

They compensate you with a little interest rate when they utilize your money. However, the potential rate of return is an essential factor to consider. The money from the mandatory savings plan may earn higher returns by being placed in an index fund, for example. Those who lack the self-discipline to invest consistently may benefit from cash value insurance coverage.

How to Determine the Cost of Life Insurance

Many insurers recommend purchasing life insurance for six to ten times one's annual salary. Above and above the 10x multiplier, some experts advise purchasing an extra $100,000 in coverage per kid.

Multiplying your annual pay by the number of years before retirement is another approach to figuring out how much life insurance you'll need. A 40-year-old with a current annual income of $20,000 would require life insurance with a face value of $500,000 (25 years $20,000.

The amount of money required to keep the insured's survivors at the same living level after their death is the basis for the "standard-of-living" calculation. Multiply the figure by 20 to get your answer.


Knowing how much and what life insurance you need is crucial if you decide you want or need this protection. Most people don't need anything more than renewable term insurance, but you need to evaluate your specific circumstances to make that call. Consider your needs carefully before approaching an insurance agent so that you don't end up paying for services you won't use or coverage that's excessively broad and unnecessary.